+44 7411 242 691
Furnace and chimney cleaning services
The stages of cleaning chimneys from soot
You inform the manager about the problem.
A chimney sweep goes to the facility and examines the chimney channel.
The degree and type of contamination and the general condition of the heating system are determined.
Based on the information received, a chimney cleaning plan is being developed and the cost of the work is announced.
If you are satisfied with the price, a contract is concluded.
On the appointed day, a chimney sweep arrives at the facility. Before starting work, he covers all surfaces (floor, tables, furniture) to protect against soot. If there are no ventilation holes, a couple of strong bricks are removed from the masonry (in the end, the master will return them back).
All impurities are removed from the walls of the chimney, collected in a garbage bag. Then the garbage is taken out by special transport and disposed of without harm to the environment. The disassembled masonry is being assembled.
The master issues a guarantee and recommendations for further operation.
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